Homemade pumpkin puree !

//Homemade pumpkin puree !

Homemade pumpkin puree !

Tilbake til oppskriften på norsk !

Cut the pumpkin smaller pieces. scrape out the seeds.

Put the pumpkin pieces in a large pan and add 1 1/2 cup water.

Bake  370 F for 40 – 50 minutes,
to the pumpkin feel soft when insret a stick.

Cool for 1o minutes before removing the skin.

Cut pumpkin in to smaller pieces and make pure with a fork or in a food processor.

Pumpkin contais no fat, so you can store it in the freezer for morethan 6 months.

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By | 2011-01-07T12:03:46+00:00 januar 7th, 2011|Homemade from nature !|0 Comments

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